Spirituality Center

Peace, Silence, Stillness

The Spirituality Center brings together spiritual practices from various sources to provide you with a set of tools you can use to achieve harmony within yourself, compassion towards others, and, ultimately, have a positive impact on the outside world.

We have paused our offerings at this time. Please check back for updates!

The Center leader is Daniel Johnson, O.P.A. who, in addition to being an Episcopal priest, has studied Eastern philosophy extensively. His diverse background allows him to blend Western ideas and Eastern spirituality into a caring approach that you will find both stimulating and fun.

Explore, Engage

Those who understand others are intelligent.
Those who understand themselves are enlightened.
Those who overcome others have strength.
Those who overcome themselves are powerful.
~ Tao Te Ching, Chapter 33

View a list of books, websites, and videos recommended by the Spirituality Center.

Spirituality Center Offerings
Online Meditation Room

We have paused our online meditation practices. Please check back for updates!

We invite you to join us in our Online Meditation Room, a peaceful space where we can reflect, meditate, and explore our spiritual lives in community. These short, 20 to 30-minute meditations are held several times a week:
Saturday Sits @ 7:00 am
(Meeting ID: 914 5158 7373, Passcode: 828352)
Tuesday/Thursday Sits @ Noon
(Meeting ID: 898 7373 9218, Passcode: 973618).
This is an open space so please feel free to distribute the links above to anyone you feel would benefit from this practice.


Future (to be scheduled) workshops

WORKSHOP: A Gentle Sound - Discovering God through Taizé


LOCATION: In-person at 8951 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania VA 22553 and on Zoom (link to come)
LEADER: Fr. Daniel Johnson, O.P.A.

Taizé chanting is a contemplative form of group prayer where single lines of core biblical texts are sung repetitively. Used as a form of worship, Taizé allows individuals to gently settle into the rhythms and tones of simple music and words in order to enter into a meditative state. This practice can help individuals step out of their heads and into a place of peace and calm.This 90-minute workshop will open with a meditation with chanting. Next, we will discuss the history of the Taizé and chanting within the Christian Context as well as the history of the Taizé Community and its influence on modern Christianity. We will also learn what chanting does physiologically – kind of like Oms in Yoga or Hinduism. Throughout, there will be opportunities for Q&A and further practice of some different chants from Taizé.

WORKSHOP: Seeing the Light in Me and My Neighbor - An Invitation to Love Both Self and Others


LOCATION: In-person at 8951 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania VA 22553 and on Zoom
LEADER: Fr. Daniel Johnson, O.P.A.
REGISTER: Eventbrite

Loving kindness meditation is considered one of the most difficult meditations to do. It asks the practitioner to set aside the ego and invite an uncompromising and unconditional love for others into the heart, mind, and spirit. And while this is a difficult meditation to do, it is the meditation that unites all faiths together.

“In all things, do to others what you would have others do to you; for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Christianity, Matthew 7:12)“Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” (Confucianism, Confucius, Analects 15:23)

“Treat all creatures in the world as you would like to be treated.” (Jainism, Mahavira, Sutrakritanga 1.11.33)

“What is hateful to you, do not do to another. That is the entire Teaching; all the rest is commentary.” (Judaism, Hillel, Talmud, Shabbat 31A)

“This is the sum of duty: do not do to others that if done to you would cause you harm.” (Hinduism, Mahabharata 5, 1517)
“Do nothing to others that you yourself would find hurtful.” (Buddhism, Buddha, Udana-Varga 5,1)
“No one of you is a believer until you desire for others that which you desire for yourself.” (Islam, Muhammad, Hadith)
“Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your loss.” (Taoism, Tai Shang Kan YimP’ien)

Join us as we explore and practice variations of this meditation in the context of both mindfulness and loving kindnessbehavior. We will ask ‘what does it mean to love the other as we love ourselves?’ How can I translate my love for those closest to me to those I find unpleasant? How can I love others if I struggle to love myself?

WORKSHOP:Listening to the Gentle Whisper of Words – An Introduction to Sacred Reading Through Lectio Divinia


LOCATION: In-person at 8951 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania VA 22553 and on Zoom
LEADER: Fr. Daniel Johnson, O.P.A.
REGISTER: Eventbrite

Lectio Divinia is the ancient practice of praying the scriptures through slow contemplative reading. Literally meaning “divine reading,” Lectio Divinia helps the individual to internalize scripture and other sacred texts so that those texts both inform and reform the individual’s approach to both the sacred and every day. This form of prayer and meditation is neither academic study nor devotional reading; it is a contemplative approach to scripture, rooted in silence and repetition, aimed at drawing one closer to God by looking within.This workshop will open with a meditation followed by a discussion of what Lectio Diviniais and its history within spirit as well as the process of Lectio Divinia.The remainder of the workshop will include readings and actually doing lectio. Throughout, there will be opportunities for Q&A.

WORKSHOP:Harnessing our negative emotions -Insight Meditation and the Seeing of the Self


LOCATION: In-person at 8951 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania VA 22553 and on Zoom
LEADER: Fr. Daniel Johnson, O.P.A.
REGISTER: Eventbrite

Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not always a pleasant experience. When we commit ourselves to meditation, negative emotions can come to the surface and seemingly obstruct our progress. However, what if those negative emotions can be used to deepen our experience of the true self? Can those negative thoughts help us move into a more loving and compassionate selfhood?In this workshop, we will discuss addressing negative emotions and how those emotions, with proper guidance, can be beneficial. We will spend time in discussion and practice, looking into habits, patterns, and states of mind that may arise when we sit. Throughout, there will be opportunities for Q&A.

WORKSHOP:From Sitting to Standing to Walking - Integrating Our Practice into Our Lives


LOCATION: In-person at 8951 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania VA 22553 and on Zoom
LEADER: Fr. Daniel Johnson, O.P.A.
REGISTER: Eventbrite

In many ways, meditating, practicing mindfulness, and entering into prayer are easy when ‘on the cushion’ or prayer stool. However, the fruit of our meditation and prayer is not found on the cushion or stool but in our lives. The work we do sitting still is meant to inform how we act. So, how do we integrate our practice into our lives so we are not simply speaking our practice but living it?Join us for our last workshop of the season, where we will examine the role of meditation, mindfulness, loving kindness, and ethical behavior in our day-to-day interactions. We will spend time in meditation and discuss strategies for integrating meditation and prayer into our lives.

WORKSHOP: Zen and the Art of Intentional Scribbling

This workshop has concluded.

A new day. A blank canvas. A chance to start creating a new you on your life canvas. But many of us are intimidated by the blank canvas and don't know where to start.

Zen and the Art of Intentional Scribbling is a new workshop that will splatter your life canvas so you too can get started.  You'll use pencils, pens, crayons to help you reach a meditative state where you envision a NEW YOU on your life canvas. We will meditate on and give ourselves permission to express ourselves in ways that are centering, exciting and fun.

This workshop is open to all but don't come if you want to create great art. Come if you want to create a GREAT YOU.

Families are welcome: please let us know if you will be bringing children so we may fully welcome them.

We look forward to seeing you.

Workshop Flow

  • Focus with Qigong
  • Intentional Breathing/Draw Your Breath
  • Blind Art Drawing
  • Zentangles
  • Walking Meditation

WORKSHOP: Finding Zen in Your Cup of Coffee

This workshop has concluded.

Learn how to turn a mundane experience into an opportunity for enlightenment.
Join our workshop and unlock the secret of "presence" - an ability for you to control your consciousness so that you form a total connection with what you are doing and nothing else. With this ability you can make every moment a moment for meditation. Simple actions become explorations of the depth of your being. Find tranquility in a walk, calm in a familiar smell, peace in a cup of coffee.
This workshop will include a series of 'hands on' experiences.

Children are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you.

WORKSHOP: How to Avoid Becoming a Mindful Jerk


To listen to the Zoom recording: Event archive Access Passcode: A5#5D5dJ

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